Saturday, September 07, 2002

If this is a real life, we would be told where to go and how to do it, but this is a series of tests, to overcome and succeed at. Challenges and tests are a chance for me to overcome and grow, to roll with the punches. Sometimes my tests have seemed insurmountable but I continue to grow through them, look for the silver lining and learn. I have realized that the answers are always inside me. I recently had a challenge and not being a very technical bunny, I went for a walk and the answer came to me. Often I have been too busy involved in the challenge to allow my inner guide to guide me, not only have I not taken the time out to listen to the inner guide but when it spoke I haven’t listened. I have recently taken up walking a quarter marathon every second day and this has allowed me time to think and to listen. I found the gym noisy and rushed and painful but walking enriches my life as well as exercising. Normally I would have found a group to walk with but this time I am alone and it is wonderful. I have found the time alone with no distractions other than to cross a street occasionally to be very beneficial and I can listen to my inner self and hand over some of my challenges for solving.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

this is a test

Monday, September 02, 2002

This is the new publish
Am I clever or am I totally inept?

I have been teetering on the edge of making some decisions lately, something I like to procrastinate on usually but there is a an old adage that has been running around in my head that finally got me into gear. “you can tell what a person is like and where they are at by their front garden.” Well, mine is a weed infested, uncared for jungle, totally neglected and in dire need of some attention. TIME FOR ACTION. I will make a start on the garden and this will be my gesture to the universe that I am now prepared to begin sorting out my inner life. I dug out weeds, ran strings for a new design, planned new paths and generally began a whole new garden. I had no idea where I was going to get all the necessary bits and pieces for this unique garden or how I was going to do it exactly but begin I did and I thought, out loud, the rest will follow. And follow it did. A friend of mine arrived, surveyed the chaotic scene and announced that her son was now into tropical gardens and had all the plants and know how that I would need and he would love to come and advise me and lend me a hand. WOW. Thank you universe. Josh even has hundreds of a particular plant that I want to grow as they are also his favourites. Is it luck or is it something else? Do we actually attract what we want if we put it forth or is it fate? I don’t know but I will try this decision making thing and put forth the effort again.