Tuesday, June 03, 2003

It's the Gospel Truth, ya Boofhead
In the beginning was the word, and the word was "G'day!"

That's how the New Testament might have begun if Jesus was born Australian.
An Australian author has rewritten parts of the Bible stories.
To some, it may be a screech of tortured vowels and supressed consonants, but to Kel Richards, author of "The Aussie Bible" (bits of it) it is a rich vein of regional idioms and slang. The book has been backed by the Bible Society of New South Wales to help win new readers....anything for converts.
The three wise men, for example, becomes three eggheads from out East who go in search of the baby jesus. "We saw a star out East, and we've come to say G'day Your Majesty.
The Good Samaritan gets attacked by bushrangers and the Australian jesus says those who build houses on sand are boofheads, Psalm 23, reconstructed as a bush ballard begins, God is the Station Owner, and I am just one sheep. He musters me down to the lucerne flats, and feeds me there all week.

How far will this go and only an Australian would get away with this, but I love the gall of it.

all things Biblical aside, life has been pretty scary lately, I have been expericencing the powers within myself at the same time experiencing a shift from breeder to non breeder, womanhood to crone. What a crazy mixed life, I hadn't realized just how rigid and routine I had become until I got tipped on my head and had a sudden rush of blood to the cranial regions of my antamony. Life is simpler but much busier.

Share a simple word of encouragement or praise to someone today and tomorrow and the day after........MAKE IT A HABIT

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

"Mental toughness is many things. It's humility because it behooves all of us to remember that simplicity is the sign of greatness and meekness is the sign of true strength. Mental toughness is spartanism with the qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, and dedication. It is fearless-ness,
and it is love"

-- Vince Lombardi
NFL Football Legend

Well, things are happening for me at last. I have decided to go work fulltime at a supermarket where I will be able to leave the job behind as I clock out and not have to worry about a thing, it will feed me and pay the bills while focus my attentions on matters at home where I am piecing together "work from Home" matters so eventually I can become my own boss again, which I like as this allows me freedom. This job will, I hope, not drain me of my creative flows, heaven forbid if anyone dare stifle my creative flows......hehehehe. I also like the fact that I will have no compunction about leaving this supermarket job when I have things set in place for working at home, as I tend to be a very loyal person in a job and find it difficult to leave.
This is the beginning. I feel a lot clearer about my direction now.
I came across an amazing book that asked a question that I had not really asked myself before and has lead me to discover quite a bit and delve into my needs and wants. I soaked it up like a sponge even though I knew a bit about it and I didn't know how to put it into practise and I have just confirmed that it really works. All sound like mumbo jumbo? sorry, but it is quite complex to go into here.
I have been saddened lately at the way people communicate with others.....the power of the word is amazing.
I will be watching my speech very carefully from here on in.

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Jack of all trades and master of none. I am guilty, guilty as sin. I am beginning to believe that I have loads of skills but have yet to find one that I can turn into dollars. I am being bombarded at the moment with feedback from people saying that I have such very good skills in this or that, why don't I do something with it? Just what do you do with a mish mash of skills? This is the question I need answers to right now. I have written a lot of it down and I have handed it over to power greater than my head........my inner knowing, God, a higher power, call it what you will as I cannot deal with it any longer. There are many many options open to me but just which one is the question.
I am unable to walk anymore as I have broken out in skin cancer again dammit, dam the ozone and CFCs, I am now vertually confined to the indoors for the next 6 months and this saddens me as I found walking to be very condusive to good thinking. But there is a reason for this to happen, wish I knew exactly what it was and I requested that my Inner Knowing tell me loud and clear and so explicit that my course of action be clear beyond reasonable doubt, my patience is wearing thin.
I seems as though the theme of my blogs is constant, being at the crossroads of life is quite perplexing and I find that this does help to some extent, I just hope nobody reads it.
I taped myself speaking yesterday just to overcome that fear and I sound terrible........I just don't know how people can say that I am a good speaker. Do people still say things they don't mean just to be nice or butter you up? oh well, it was an interesting exercise.
I am putting some ideas do on paper as my experiences may be of use to someone else and I may get someone who is a good writer to put them in some semblence of order just as my other writings on stepparenting are. I have no idea how to write, it is a skill that has eluded me as I listened to those dammed stupid teachers I had when I was young. "Dianne has only average abilities" or "Dianne does not have a writing talent to complete this course" etc etc. No wonder I always felt like a square peg in a round hole.
Those were the "Good Old Days" good riddance I say, they were not good old days at all.

" O Son of Spirit

My first counsel is this; Possess a pure, kindly and
radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient.
imperishable and everlasting."

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

The harder I try, the messier things get. I have been particulary grumpy lately and I am wondering if it is my impatience or whether I am being a victim again. I swore I would never go back to that place. Ultimately, I am rsponsible for my situation and the enviroment around me is a mirror. It is a combination of beauty and horror. Sometimes it seems, the more I give the bigger the hole I dig myself into. This may all sound a tad bizzare but I know what it means. I have had hayfever very badly of late and that tends to make me grumpy, the constant pain in my head/sinus is unbearable at times so I shall see if I can get my medication changed. But then, I should......now there is a good procrastination word......rise above it. I am reminded of a quote by Frank Barron........
The creative idividual not only respects the irrational in himself,
but courts the most promising source of novelty in his own thought..
The creative person is both more primitive and more cultured,
More destructive and more constructive
Crazier and saner, than the average person.
Now there is food for thought. I hadn't thought of that saying in years and suddenly it came to me.

Thursday, November 28, 2002

I have not rallied forth with any great project, I am still in a quandary, not sure which move to make, there is a lot open to me but just which way to jump is still a mystery to me. I found Sam's blog interesting, he says that we find what we a good at but dammed if I can pin one down, well one that will pay the electric etc and fulfill me at the same time. Am I a perfectionist or a procrastinator? Probably a bit of both really.
I have a natural healing workshop here at the studio this weekend and I am looking forward to that. I will know whether it is where I am supposed to be at this juncture in my life. I have healing qualities, this became even more apparent the other day when I spent many hours with a woman who was in despair and her feedback was most rewarding. Maybe this is what I should be doing but it doesn't stir passion within me, I just relay my life experiences and knowledge which to me is how we should operate. The knowledge that I have has no value whatsoever stuck in my head or whereever, it must be passed on to have value. I learned a lot from her as well. I need to learn as I know very little and this I know, the more I learn.....that sounds quite strange but true.
I got rather annoyed with some chatters yesterday, all doom and gloom and despair. I sat and pondered my annoyance and realised that they are particularly scared, very threatened and very afraid people and my annoyance was my problem. I can't fix the world.......dammit...so I shall continue to hear with my ears and listen with my mind in future.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

I walked 8 miles today and find this a good time to talk with myself. I have to accept that I am an artist with a head full of ideas and be at peace with that. I am one of those that has never really found my niche, Jack of All Trades and master of none. I lack the discipline. I think turning 50 has sent me into a panic, quietly inside, and I will address this, just how, I am yet to fathom but I have decided to take a step toward a project tomorrow....I will see if it bears fruit. I am not an intellectual and never will be. I forgot an appointment on Tuesday and this depresses me as I do not like being unreliable and irresponsible or even entertain the thought that I may be forgetting things....ack. Trusting in my higher self is high on my thought list right now, but I know I have to take steps myself. I also feel very sad lately and I am not sure where that is coming from. I often feel on the verge of tears as if a flow ebbs and flows within me. This is so uncharacteristic of me and it is all very strange. Hormones, maybe? I just wish they would bugger off and leave me alone, I am not a breeder anymore and I have no need for them at all.
I am making an appointment with this blog tomorrow to relay my progress on a project I have had in mind. This will give me hope. I am still living at home, mainly in my studio, it is practical and condusive to my needs right now.......

Monday, October 14, 2002

I have not blogged in a while, cramped with thoughts of me and scattered ones at that. I suppose it can be considered a selfish phase but such is the nature of the beast......Life Reconstruction. I am pushing boundaries, trying different avenues and sorting out what works for me, working within the bounds of, I am 50 now, not 21. Sometimes I think I am floundering around in the dark but I have a challenge and surmount it I will..It feels quite powerful to put that on paper........er on cyber. Have I wasted this one and only life or will I make a contribution or is it necessary to make a contribution? I am half way through this life.
I spoke with Goosie today and I said I felt like going ferrel, I have a strong pioneer spirit about me but I see that as completely selfish, banishing myself to the wilderness as I may have something to offer somewhere, be of some help to someone, somewhere. Going ferrel means going bush, living out of the garden in the wilderness, cooking on a fire and doing the basics, lots of reading, meditation, contemplation and star gazing. Sounds wonderful, at the same time I listen to that inner voice and I perceive it to be saying, that I need to get off this treadmill, this treadmill of life abounding with stressed people, rushing hither and thither, going to work to get the bread to get the energy to go to work to get the bread to go to work..........
I shall just blog for now, going ferrel is not a practical option.